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  • Hope Women's Center

“It’s Too Early”

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

“It’s too early.” Michelle told us.

She already had a one-year old son at home, and the thought of another baby seemed too overwhelming. Michelle had no family support.

During her time at Hope, Michelle’s Patient Advocate encouraged her by saying that having siblings often is easier than just having one child. Michelle said her Patient Advocate made a big impression on her which helped Michelle know things were going to be okay.

Michelle came back for an ultrasound. In Michelle’s culture, they called a baby that wasn’t completely formed yet a, “dot of blood.” After seeing her ultrasound, Michelle quickly realized what she had been taught about that “dot of blood” was a lie. Seeing her baby on the ultrasound confirmed that she was carrying a baby. Michelle gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and recently came by to introduce us to her son.

We have never had a patient that after having her child has told us that they wish they hadn’t. Often, however it is the opposite. For over three decades and counting we have confidentially heard from many women and men that decided to end their pregnancies, to not bring life to their child. They come to us still dealing the emotional, spiritual, and sometimes physical wounds that their abortion left them. For many of those women and men, we were the first person they ever told, twenty+ years after the fact. Women and men are living in bondage from a past abortion decision and not experiencing the freedom that God offers in His abundant grace because they have not communicated their hurt.

We are so thankful Michelle made the decision to continue on with her pregnancy and allow herself to parent two beautiful children and we are here for those that made a different decision however long ago. As we share truth, offer hope, and protect life; we thank our Partners in Hope who have made these conversations, these God-ordained conversations of hope possible.

Michelle’s Story

*Story and photo used with permission; name has been changed to protect confidentiality. 

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